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Collaborate with your team

Collaborate with your team

SQL Client Tools

When connecting SQL client tools to Sundeck flows, Sundeck simply passes the user’s credentials to Snowflake. Snowflake handles authentication of SQL clients, and queries submitted to Sundeck flows are executed as the user who connected to the flow.

This means that your team members can use any SQL client tool to connect to Sundeck flows without any additional grants/privileges in Sundeck.

Sundeck DDLs

Sundeck admin users can connect to a Sundeck flow with any SQL client and execute Sundeck DDL statements, such as CREATE OR REPLACE FLOW, SHOW FLOWS, etc. Please see the “Admin Grants” section below for more details.

Sundeck UI

You can use the same credentials (email and password, or Google SSO) that you provided during signup to login to the Sundeck UI, and will have full permissions to view and modify Flows.

If you wish to collaborate with one or more additional users on the Sundeck UI, please follow these steps :

  1. Enable Snowflake SSO for your Sundeck account. This will allow users to log in to the Sundeck UI with their Snowflake credentials.
  2. Grant admin privileges to the additional users (using their Snowflake username). Please see the “Admin Grants” section below for more details.
  3. Share the Sundeck account URL with the new admins.
Sundeck UI sessions last for one hour and are automatically renewed via a long-lived token.

Admin Grants

Sundeck Admin

Sundeck admins have the following additional privileges:

  1. They can login to Sundeck UI and view/modify flows
  2. They can connect to a Sundeck Flow with any SQL client and execute Sundeck DDL

To grant admin privileges to a user with the Snowflake username FOO, execute the following statement:


To revoke admin privileges from a user with the Snowflake username FOO, execute the following statement:


The same can also be done in the Sundeck UI, by navigating to the Account Settings page and clicking on the Grant Role to User button in the Grants section.