

The Native App from Sundeck is a free Snowflake Native App which works together with the Sundeck platform to help you better understand, manage, and alert on Snowflake activity and spend. It’s available for install from the Snowflake App Marketplace.

Sundeck’s Native App enables the following key features of the Sundeck offering:

  • AI-enabled Compute Optimization - Automatically determines the optimal warehouse size for each query, based on historical usage patterns.
  • Workload Analytics - Understand and manage Snowflake workload with detailed query reporting and alerts.
  • Query Monitoring - Use Probes to monitor Snowflake queries based on certain parameters (runtime, cost), and send alerts or cancel queries if they exceed preset thresholds
  • Custom Query Labeling - Use Labels to collect specific types of queries together, to extend the built-in Workload Analytics reporting for better understanding.
  • Warehouse Scheduling - Define recurring schedules for each warehouse that adjust the warehouse size and other configuration.

Follow these simple steps to start taking advantage of the Sundeck Native App today!