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Sundeck CATALOG.LABELS view stores information about labels that were created by the user and labels that were preconfigured by the system.

Column NameData TypeDescription
NAMETEXTLabel name
GROUP_NAMETEXTNot currently used
GROUP_RANKNUMBERNot currently used
LABEL_CREATED_ATTIMESTAMP_NTZTime when label was created
CONDITIONTEXTLabel condition
ENABLEDBOOLEANNot currently used
LABEL_MODIFIED_ATTIMESTAMP_NTZTime when label was last updated

Here is an example:

ube#COMPUTE_WH@SUNDECK.(no schema)>select name, condition from catalog.labels where name like '%Queries%';
| NAME                | CONDITION                                                       |
| Long Queries        | TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME > 600000                                     |
| Expensive Queries   | COST>0.5                                                        |
| Accelerated Queries | QUERY_ACCELERATION_BYTES_SCANNED > 0                            |
| Reoccurring Queries | tools.is_reoccurring_query(query_parameterized_hash, 1000)      |
| ad-hoc Queries      | tools.is_ad_hoc_query(query_parameterized_hash, 10)             |
| dbt Queries         | array_contains('dbt'::variant, tools.qtag_sources(qtag_filter)) |
6 Row(s) produced.