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Sundeck CATALOG.PARAMETERS view stores information about account level parameters.

Column NameData TypeDescription
KEYTEXTName of key
VALUETEXTValue of key

Example:>select * from parameters;
| KEY                        | VALUE                                             | DEFAULT | LEVEL | DESCRIPTION                                                           |
| SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT          |           |         |       | The Snowflake Account Sundeck is attached to.                         |
| SNOWFLAKE_CLOUD_REGION     | us-west-2                                         |         |       | The Snowflake cloud region this account is associated with.           |
| PRIVATE_RESULTS_HELPER_URL |                                                   |         |       | The URL for communicating to a private results helper, if configured. |
| SNOWFLAKE_SSO_URL          | |         |       | The URL for opening Sundeck UI, if Snowflake SSO is configured.       |
| BROKER_MODE                | SAAS                                              |         |       | The broker mode, to enable or disable Sundeck SAAS broker endpoint.   |
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