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We will configure SnowSQL to connect with Sundeck using the Broker hostname.


You’ll need the following before configuring SnowSQL to use Sundeck:

Step-by-Step Configuration

  • Log into the Sundeck Web UI

    • Navigate to the Broker > Config page (using the left-hand menu):

    • Copy the address of the Sundeck Broker. This can be done easily by using the “Copy to Clipboard” button next to the Sundeck Broker Hostname

    • Paste this address into the Hex “Account Name” field

  • To configure SnowSQL to connect to Sundeck, simply specify the connection parameter for host address, in addition to parameters you use when start SnowSQL CLI. This can be done by passing the Sundeck Broker hostname with the SnowSQL Host parameter (-h <sundeck-broker-hostname or --host <sundeck-broker-hostname>). Also as an added bonus, you no longer have to give a valid value for the account locator as that is already defined in the Sundeck Connection Information:

    % snowsql -a foo  -h 
    * SnowSQL * v1.2.32
    Type SQL statements or !help
    NAME@(no database).(no schema)>

Testing Your Connection

Once connected to Sundeck, you can run Sundeck DDL statements (i.e. SHOW SUNDECK BROKER, CREATE OR REPLACE HOOK), in addition to any valid Snowflake SQL statements:

NAME@(no database).(no schema)> SHOW SUNDECK BROKER

That’s it! You’re now ready to use SnowSQL with Sundeck.